Put customers at the core of your organization’s operations

UserVoice’s Slack integration enables you to drive ambient awareness of customer needs by bringing the power of UserVoice to the hub where your team’s internal communication is already happening.
Talk to a Product Expert

Foster shared understanding of customer needs with UserVoice and Slack

Put customer needs front and center

Provide organization-wide visibility into what customers are saying by pushing UserVoice activity into a dedicated Slack channel.

Empower internal teams to advocate for customer needs

Enable your team to easily capture customer requests from within Slack and automatically add them to your growing repository of product feedback.

Eliminate the feedback black hole

Ensure your company is kept in the loop as you make decisions about how to act on specific pieces of customer feedback by pushing status updates into Slack.

Want to learn more before giving us a spin?
Check out what some cutting-edge Product Managers are doing with UserVoice.